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In-Store Order Pickup Process

Once you place an order from GotoLiquorStore, please wait for the confirmation email before you reach the store to pick up your order. Please have the order number and the mobile number with you for faster pick up process.

What does it cost?

In-store pickup is absolutely free. There’s no fee or charges that will be applied for your orders.

How fast my order will be ready for pickup?

We’re sorry, no commitments, but as soon as your order is ready, you will be notified via an email to pickup your order.

What happens to the order that I place after business hours or when the store is closed?

Orders can be placed even when the store is closed. In this scenario, your order will be processed the next business day or when the store opens in their business hours. Please check the stores page for store timings.

Will I be notified when my order is ready for pickup?

Yes, we will send you a confirmation email when your order is ready. To avoid any inconvenience we request you to please wait for the email before reaching the store for your order pickup.

What do I need to carry with me to the store?

You will be required to carry your Govt issued ID card for order pick-up to ensure you’re of legal drinking age. The stores have the right to deny you order if you fail to show them your Govt. issued ID card.

Can someone else pickup order on my behalf?

Yes. All you need to do is, when placing an order, on the “Pickup Detail” section at the checkout, enter the name, email and mobile number of the person picking up your order.

If in case you fail to do the above step, the person can walk in the store and at the customer service desk, they can help the staff with their order number or mobile number.

Please note, the person picking up order on your behalf will be required to carry their Govt issued ID card for order pickup.

Can I get my order chilled?

Yes, in this case please mention in the comment section on the pickup details that you want products in chilled condition on pickup. The store will keep those products in refrigerator/freezers. If you forget to mention in the comment section, please call the store and let them know your requirements.


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